Healing Through Dream Incubation

Samhain Portal

4 week course

October 15, 22, 29, & November 5

Tuesdays, 11:00 am-1:00 pm PT


Thursday, October 31 - Sunday, November 3

This course includes a personal, dedicated incubation ritual on the day of your choice, during the weekend of Samhain and the Solar eclipse.

Please take note of your local daylight savings (Oct 27 UK/Europe & Nov 3), and adjust the time of class accordingly. This means week 3 will be an hour earlier for folks living in the UK and Europe, as an example. What was a 7pm class in London time, will become a 6pm class on Oct 29, and go back to being a 7pm class on Nov 5.

An opportunity to dream as the ancients did, incubating in

your own dreaming temple as you seek a healing dream.


Dreams are portals to the imaginal realm where we can encounter moments of profound healing, receive messages from the divine, and be gifted dreams from the consciousness of supportive beings and spirits.

In this course we will prepare our mind, our bodies, and our spirit for a holy night of dream seeking.

Just as the Greeks once went to healing dream incubation temples to receive a healing dream from the gods, so too can we create our own dream incubation chamber to support our healing journey through direct healings, ecstatic dreamworld experiences, roadmaps to healing, and more.

This course will carry us through an arc, beginning with understanding dream incubation, and culminating on week three, when you will undertake (in your own time that weekend), a ritual dream incubation. We will all seek healing dreams over the course of the dark and new moon, bolstering the power of our dreams through collective action.

Important: If choosing to attend, please be sure to block out at least 1 day/night on Oct 31 - Nov 3 for your dream incubation ritual. This ritual will be conducted alone, but infused by the collective dreaming of the hive.

man and woman with snakes in asklepion temple

1) Ancient dreaming for modern times

In our first class, we will prepare our minds by understanding the historical context for dream incubation, dream healing temples, Demeter and dreaming in the Eleusinian Mystery rites, and the connection between dreams and oracles.


2) Healing in Dreams

In week 2 we will explore what healing actually looks like within the dreaming realm.  Through both the imaginal and shamanic eye we will examine dismemberment, direct healing, blessings, energy healings, death healings, the healing labyrinth, and ecstatic states within dreams.

We will actively work with choosing and meeting the spirit(s)/guides we are seeking to receive a dream from.

3) The Long, Sacred Night 

In week 3 we will devote our time to preparing for our dream incubation.  You will be given instructions on how to prepare for a night of ritual dreaming, to be undertaken during the following weekend of the dark moon/new moon. You will be asked to set aside a least part of a day, and the night, to ritually prepare and then incubate as you seek to receive a healing dream.


4) Therapeutes, dream oracles, and the collective mirror 

Healing dreams are best received when integrated within the community, or shared and supported by others.  In this class we will work together to share and integrate our dreams, learning and practicing techniques for offering oracular reflections that bring you both closer to you dream healing experiences, and further down the spiral path of mystery and discovery.


Join The Dreaming Hive:


Please take note of your local daylight savings (Oct 27 UK/Europe & Nov 3), and adjust the time of class accordingly. This means week 3 will be an hour earlier for folks living in the UK and Europe, as example.

What People Are Saying About Dreamwork with Me:

You are an incredible inspiration and teach with such beauty, grace, and integrity. Journeying with you has changed my life. - A.J., South Africa

Dream Seeking was one of the most profound 4 weeks of my life! Lots to sit with, understand, action and integrate. - Beth, Australia

Dream Seeking was mindblowing for me, I channeled so many energies and deeper meanings that I was looking for so many years. I know myself better now and I know what I have to do, I was circling around a void and couldn’t make any sense of it. I am so grateful. -Raluka, UK

I feel so blessed to be part of this (Dream Seeking) offering.. so many ancient ways, cultures, in many timelines I have walked honoring & caring for our dreaming!  It is delicious to receive your ancient wisdom remembering, your passion, devotion & curiosity to keep discovering.  I feel the grace of love's care currenting through the dream time... inviting a deepening healing for this beautiful body I dwell within. Thank you for sharing all you've cultivated and discovered... opening the way to receive the gifts whispering to be offered. - Katharine.

Due to various reasons, I had not dreamt much for a long period of time and Ariella’s classes helped me to touch back into my dreaming self again. She is an excellent space holder with the depth of her wisdom and gentle presence. Ariella is a rare gem of a teacher and I’m so grateful to have experienced her work. - Tara C., California 

All of Ariella’s work is deeply Spirit and womb-driven. Having experienced both Betwixt and Between and Dreaming with Bees, I felt honoured to be with such a numinous and wise teacher, who super-charged my own dreaming and shamanic practices. I learnt so much. This is important work, and it has has a spiritual life and energy of its own which goes above and beyond whatever you might expect of an online offering. 100% recommended. - Lucy Coats, writer, England

The most magical things in my waking life transpired during my first dream course with Ariella. My dream life has never been as fascinating or beautiful as it was during those 6 short weeks of dreaming together. - Gabe, Washington

The work of Ariella holds such a FORCE. She is clearly an EYE, an anchor of manifestation, the voice of Mystery & the Goddess, a keeper and steward of the INVISIBLE and visible realms. To participate in the ceremony of her offerings is to cross a star lit bridge into the Dreams of The Great Mystery and to once again commune with them in and out of time. - Valentine Lovecraft Falcon, Artist/Healer, California


Course Details

  • Course open to all genders

  • While the course will be recorded, it is recommended to attend as much of the course as possible, particularly the final session.

  • Recordings will be sent out within 48 hours of live classes

  • You will need to set aside a day on the weekend of Oct 31- Nov 3 to do your dream incubation. There will not be a class on that weekend, but rather a collective dreamtime, where we will all enter our dream incubation at some point during that 4 day eclipse/Samhain portal. You will also be preparing for incubation the week before and may need some extra time that week to gather what you need. Think of the entire week as ritual preparation, with an awareness that we all live modern day lives and will seek to set aside time to the best of our ability.

  • You do not need to be an avid dreamer. You will receive guidance on how to recall your dreams in Week 1.

  • You will be asked to keep a dream journal during our time together, but unlike my other dream courses, we will not be doing any dream mirroring until the final week.

  • You do not need to have experience in any of my other courses.

Dream Seeking

Pay in 2 installments of $83: CLICK HERE